Coaching-based Skills program | BoMentis Coaching House

Develop and strengthen future workplace skills at your own pace

Today’s and tomorrow’s workplace skills emphasize different aspects compared to the past. While AI and robotics gradually replace many job tasks, the focus of skill development is increasingly shifting to everyday learning, where communication skills and teamwork become even more critical.

As daily tasks become more interconnected and accumulate, time management and prioritization skills are essential. Under pressure, interaction and feedback skills are also put to the test. How can one continue to develop and succeed in such challenging situations?

Coaching-based Skills – Online Training is a program designed to strengthen goal-oriented working, collaboration, and teamwork, where everyone can progress at their own pace.

Each team can choose the modules that best meet their specific needs and goals.

A coaching approach is appreciative, participatory, and goal-oriented collaboration (Ristikangas & Ristikangas 2022, 8th edition), and it is for everyone.

Who is the Coaching-based Skills – Online Training for?

Coaching-based approach and practices have traditionally been seen as a task for managers. However, a coaching-based approach is for everyone. When, in addition to the supervisor, team members are also on the same page about what coaching-based leadership involves and how to apply it in daily life, a coaching culture becomes a reality.

The Coaching-based Skills – Online Training is therefore intended for both leaders and team members. Through this online training, everyone can independently learn and reflect on their actions and apply concrete skills in their daily work, regardless of time and place. The impact is further enhanced when, under the guidance of the team leader, the team engages in discussions and practical exercises based on the selected modules.

The Coaching-based Skills – Online Training is suitable for various purposes:

  • For developing leadership:
    • Eases the role of leading as a coach
    • Increases the ability to handle everyday challenges in the team
    • Develops facilitation skills
    • Reinforces the application of coaching-based skills in everyday work
    • Provides tools to strengthen the team’s collective direction and collaboration skills.
  • For team development:
    • Strengthens team effectiveness
    • Enhances team collaboration management
    • Develops the individual skills and teamwork abilities of team members.
  • For supporting organizational goals and development needs:
  • Strengthens enthusiasm and commitment to the organization
  • Improves time management, collaboration, self-leadership, and feedback skills.

Coaching-based Skills – Online Training Enhances the Effectiveness of Leadership Coaching

From the perspective of coaching team leadership, a leader’s job becomes easier when the whole team is involved in developing the ways of working and collaborating. By using online training, a supervisor can strengthen:

  • Self-direction of each team member. When each individual recognizes their unique motivation, knows how to leverage their strengths, and leads themselves with determination – all while developing their own thinking and working methods – they are well-equipped to achieve goals and succeed in their work.
  • Collaborative team management. When coaching skills are practiced together, the impact on the team’s collaborative work multiplies. Since learning is a social process, coaching skills ultimately become the success factors for teams.
  • Coaching leadership culture. When supervisors gain knowledge, tips, and confidence to apply coaching leadership, the entire leadership culture gradually evolves toward a coaching approach. Coaching interactions become a natural part of daily encounters.

Easily Digestible Content and Concrete Tools for Everyday Work

With the expertise of top professionals in coaching leadership and years of training experience, BoMentis has solid experience working with different organizations and teams, as well as addressing leadership challenges.

Coaching-based Skills – Online Training supports both independent development and collective learning. It consists of six thematic areas, each containing 6–7 content modules, including:

  • 55 high-quality videos
  • 13 thought-provoking podcasts
  • Numerous articles and blog posts
  • Exercises, self-assessments, and reflection tasks to support personal development
  • “Take it to everyday life” tasks and experiential learning.
  • Each team can choose the modules that best match their specific needs and goals.

Themes of the Coaching-based Skills - Online Training

The online training is structured around six themes, each containing 6–7 content modules. The themes can be completed independently. Completing one module takes approximately 30–60 minutes.




Explore the program and test your coaching skills

- Coaching mindset and approach

- Reflection skills as the engine of learning

- Accountability

Strengthen self-leadership skills

- Personal motivation factors

- Time management skills

- Feedback skills

Develop the skill to work goal-oriented both together and independently

- Personal goals for life

- Shared goals

- Self-confidence

- The skill of getting things done




Interest is the prerequisite for good communication

- Listening skills
- The art of asking questions
- Recognizing strengths and potential
- Inspiring and courage

I as the changer and enabler of change

- Building trust

- The wisdom of influencing conversations

- Giving feedback

- Learning together

- I as a communicator

Develop your emotional intelligence and responsibility-taking skills

- Recognizing and leveraging expectations

- Collaboration skills

- Utilizing diversity

- Responsibility for one's own and collective work

The online training is fully conducted on the eBon platform, which is also mobile-friendly. Each participant receives their own personal login credentials for access.

Training Schedule

You can start the training at any time, according to your own or your organization’s plans. The training can be completed in segments at your own pace, and its concept includes applying the topics to your daily life and returning to the theme to reflect on how the experiment in real-life went.

Workplace skills don’t need to be learned the hard way — that’s why it’s worth utilizing the Coaching Skills online training!

Experiences from the Coaching-based Skills – Online Training

“It was rewarding to see the impact of reflection and the benefits of using it. Putting things into a larger context has saved me from a lot of frustration in the workplace.”

“Personal questions challenged me to review my role within my team.”

“The best part was the opportunity to pause and reflect on the current state of my work life, my skills, and ways to develop further.”

“The online training made me reflect not only on my own skills and perspective but also on others and their actions.”

“The most valuable part was broadening my understanding of coaching. It was a great eye-opener to realize the full scope of coaching, and the independent reflections helped me identify what aspects of my work are clear strengths and which areas need improvement.”

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