Pillar Cards® | BoMentis Coaching House

Pillar Cards®

Pillar Cards® has 52 question cards, which are based on the ideology of coaching-based leadership. You can use the tool in e.g. leadership situations, coaching, and goal-oriented discussions.

A Tool to Train Coaching

Pillar Cards® is a tool created by BoMentis and it aims to support applying coaching-based leadership in people’s daily lives. It includes 52 basic cards in addition to joker cards; by using the Pillar Cards® you are able to activate the thinking and commitment of your coachee in order to achieve goals.

By using the Pillar Cards®

  • the quality of your thinking gets better
  • coaching-based leadership culture becomes a reality
  • daily challenges are solved
  • willingness to act and create change increases

The Pillar Cards® are based on the Pillar Model®, which was introduced in the book Coaching-based Leadership (Ristikangas Marjo-Riitta & Ristikangas Vesa 2019, 7.th edition)


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