Ensure your coach-certification and maintain your know-how | BoMentis Coaching House

Ensure your coach-certification and maintain your know-how

Systemic Mentor Coaching©

Systemic Mentor Coaching© training comprises three 2 and a half-hour group meetings and three private virtual sessions, that are calendared according to your schedule. In accordance with the ICF regulations, the 10-hour training process is implemented during a 3-month period.

During the group sessions, the participants’ coaching skills are reinforced through the giving and receiving of feedback on the use of ICF’s coaching core competencies.

You will get

  • Deeper, more effective coaching skills
  • Specific feedback on your coaching
  • Fulfillment of the requirements for your certification or the renewal of your certification
  • A hands-on experience of the power of virtual coaching

Inquire more information from Anna Lönnroth, +358 40 5033 337, anna.lonnroth@bomentis.fi


3 months


2000 € + VAT


Courage to think in a new way

Case AbbVie Ltd

Training program: Coaching Leader©

After the Coaching Leader© training, I created an "inner need" to start acting with a coaching leadership mindset and keep on learning all the new skills I had acquired. After the training, I gained the courage to try the new way of thinking in my daily life.

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