Executive Coaches
Marjo-Riitta Ristikangas
Managing Director & Executive Coach
Managing Director & Executive Coach
I believe that people have a tremendous amount of potential, strength and courage, as well as a willingness and ability to develop. Positivity is the starting point. Will is a resource. Goal-orientation is a prerequisite for success.
Vesa Ristikangas
Executive Coach & Founding Partner
Executive Coach & Founding Partner
I am a firm believer of the systemic revolution, a coaching pioneer, passionate developer and senior management coach whose passion is to coach management teams into stellar teams.
Anna Lönnroth
Executive Coach
Executive Coach
My passion is understanding people's behavior and how to influence it. I believe that coaching is the success secret of the future workplace, because empowering others leads to growth.
Virpi Takala
Executive Coach
Executive Coach
I want to support the key players in the organizations and strengthen teams in the midst of everyday challenges and when working with long-term goals. It is really exciting to see a team growing and evolving - when a spark of enthusiasm flares it energizes the whole team towards joint goals and successes.
Hannele Haapio
Executive Coach
Executive Coach
In successful organization everyone shares the same understanding of the business purpose. In such organization leaders find their main responsibility as encouraging, giving space and ensuring that everyone can see and utilize their full potential. Successful leaders simultaneously lead with power and emotions.
Tommi Rantamäki
Executive Coach
Executive Coach
We communicate within our community constantly, either intentionally or unintentionally. The better we understand how we communicate with each other, the more likely it is that our message will have the desired impact on our community. Interaction is a true skill, where merely smooth speech and pleasant behavior do not guarantee that your message will have the intended effect. True interaction occurs when all parties involved have had the opportunity to influence the shared activity and have been seen and heard
Kati Lanu
Executive Coach
Executive Coach
Goals are achieved together. Together, we also learn and grow. I coach individuals in leadership and management roles with an insightful, engaging, and encouraging approach, and I strengthen teams and work communities in communication, collaboration, practices, and job satisfaction.
Rasmus Nybergh
Executive Coach
Executive Coach
Make things simple! Leadership gets better, processes become more efficient and results are improved if unnecessary complexity is eliminated.
Jason Staines
Executive Coach
Executive Coach
Understanding and challenging my own thinking is at the heart of my training and leadership.
Pauliina Hallama
Executive Coach
Executive Coach
My mission is to inspire individuals, teams and organizations to grow and develop. By thinking and behaving in the same way as before we only achieve the same results as before. By learning new approaches – and ways of encountering each other – we create a basis for a brighter future. It is my honor to awaken people into this future.
Annukka Sumkin
Executive Coach
Executive Coach
I enjoy working with different type of teams and individuals. It is important for me to be there in supporting their development both in achieving their goals as well as their occupational wellbeing. Coaching leadership style, clear common goals and excellent communication and interaction skills are important success factors in work communities.
Eva Bamford
Executive Coach
Executive Coach
The anatomy of success is my passion; how to achieve goals, remove obstacles, and grow as a team and as an individual. The key elements of my work are to identify and acknowledge strengths, increase communication skills, and psychological safety.
Victoria Ristikangas
Executive Coach
Executive Coach
Coaching is extremely exciting. It is rewarding to be present for another person, listen to them and support them even in difficult situations.
Peter Peitsalo
Executive Coach
Executive Coach
I get excited from being able to help teams and people succeed. Developing coaching-based leadership, interaction and change skills are close to my heart as they are core competencies in the future working life.
Iiris Sallinen
Executive Finance Specialist & Marketing Assistant
Executive Finance Specialist & Marketing Assistant
Attention to detail and systematic work are my passion. I value reliability as well as a cheerful and social work atmosphere.
Jaakko Tusa
Technical Specialist & Research Assistant
Technical Specialist & Research Assistant
I am a generalist with a broad range of skills. I have prior experience in management and business administration, but my particular strengths lie in information systems and process knowledge.