Marjo-Riitta brings twenty years of leadership and team development experience to her solutions-based, action-oriented training methods. Marjo-Riitta challenges and encourages everyone to view new perspectives and to find new ways to operate.
Her passion is the creation of leadership competence and teams of excellence. She is being energized by executive coaching processes, in which dreams and goals show the way for the collaborative journey.
Marjo-Riitta is an expert in coaching-based leadership and the CEO of BoMentis Ltd. With her determination and two decades of experience, she creates top teams, leads experiental leadership programs and coaches individual leaders and executives. As a trainer, she is driven by her interest in group dynamics, her will to influence the group and to enhance the individual learning of each participant.
Marjo-Riitta has a passion for development, and she enjoys participating in various occupational groups. She has, among others, been a member of the board of the Finnish Coaching Association and the Finnish Social Psychologists’ Association. She is also one of the founders of the Finnish Chapter of the International Coach Federation and member of its first board.
In her books Coaching-based Leadership (2010), The Coaching Leader (2014), Coaching-based Leadership of Teams (2015), and Developmental Mentoring (2019, 2020) Marjo-Riitta has encapsulated her thinking about a leadership aiming at releasing the potential of individuals and teams.
Marjo-Riitta is a Master of Social Sciences, with a major in social psychology. She is an ICF-certified individual coach (PCC), and team coach (Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC)), EMCC-accredited individual coach (European Individual Accreditation (EIA), Practitioner), and team coach (Individual Team Coaching Accreditation (ITCA), Practitioner), a psychodrama director (CP) and a solution centered coach. She is also a certified facilitator for e.g. MBTI©, DISC©, PeiliTM, CLP® and 360° feedback tools.
- Leading a Team – Systemic thinking and a jointly organized team as Success Factors (Valmentava tiimin johtaminen – Systeeminen ajattelu ja yhdessäohjautuvuus onnistumistekijöinä, Alma Talent, 2023.)
- Developmental Mentoring – A Guide to Effective Interaction. (Valmentava mentorointi – Opas tehokkaaseen vuorovaikutukseen, Kauppakamari, 2020)
- Developmental Mentoring (Valmentava mentorointi, Kauppakamari, 2019)
- Coaching Leader – Success Positions (Valmentava esimies – Onnistumisia palvelevat positiot, Talentum, 2014)
- Coaching Leader, E-book (Valmentava esimies, sähköinen kirja, Talentum, 2013)
- Coaching-based Leadership, 7th Edition (Valmentava johtajuus, Alma Talent 7. painos, 2019)