Business Coaching is an effective management tool
Case Metsä Group
Training: Systemic Business Coach®
Where did it all start?
Metsä Group has systematically invested in developing its leadership, and HRD Manager and soon-to-be Project Manager Annie Laukkanen wanted to learn more about coaching-based leadership and business coaching. Annie’s role as an internal developer requires sound knowledge of various development tools and methods. Moreover, skills that Annie found herself needing in her new role as Project Manager included how to communicate change, address grievances, and encourage her team to act in a new way towards joint goals.
Annie had heard about business coaching and coaching-based leadership and wanted to enhance her knowledge. At the same time, inspired by her new role, she recognized an acute need to increase her influencing skills. She had heard good things about BoMentis Coaching House’s Systemic Business Coach® training and decided to sign up.
“I wanted to understand what it would mean to introduce a coaching-based leadership approach among our Managers, and I needed concrete tools to implement it. And I got these tools.”
A deep, surprising, and perspective-broadening learning journey
Annie praised the training arrangements as optimal, as the training was just the right length, and it was organized flexibly. Annie was able to conduct the training meaningfully as part of her own daily work at Metsä Group. The training was very practical, Annie enjoyed especially how the principles of coaching and coaching-based leadership were constantly applied into practice. One of the tools learnt in the training were the Pillar Cards®.
“I think that the Pillar Cards® tool is a great example of how important and even easy it is to just stop for a while and think about things. Asking great questions with the help of the Pillar Cards® works well in solving everyday chores.”
The Systemic Business Coach® training was an in-depth, surprising, and deepening learning journey for Annie. After finishing the training, Annie has realized that she looks at interaction situations from a new perspective. In addition, her introspection skills developed; now she is able to recognize her own thinking from a broader perspective, and to interpret more meaningfully people’s interactions.
Listening can impact situations
Today, when Annie faces challenges she recalls the insights and attitudes she learned from her coaching studies. Systemic thinking as well as concretely exploring things from different perspectives help her not only to better understand but also how to better act in challenging situations.
Systemic Business Coach® training also taught Annie that the world is not always so black and white; right or wrong – but only difference. She believes that this learning will help her lead her expert team, and resolve conflicts in a better way.
“Somehow the Systemic Business Coach® training opened up a whole new field for myself about how though leadership, guidance, and listening can influence situations.”
Today, when facing problems, Annie actively encourages people to find and suggest solutions themselves. Further, Annie realized another important thing: “we are all incomplete and we must learn how to accept and tolerate it”.
“It is extremely valuable for a manager to know themselves, and their own thought patterns before they start guiding and influencing other people.”
Annie recommends the training for all those who need to influence other people in their everyday work.