Coaching skills for everyday situations
Case Metso
Training: Systemic Business Coach®
For a long time now, Essi Leskinen has been intrigued to find ways how coaching-based leadership can help individuals and teams to learn and develop. Essi, a HR development manager at Metso, noticed the acute need for business coaching skills. Increased interest and attention to the usefulness of business coaching skills in her role led Essi to sign up and participate in BoMentis, Coaching House’s Systemic Business Coach® training. Her decision was also influenced by the recommendation of a colleague who had previously completed the training.
Lack of the right tools awakened
At a time before the start of the training, Essi found herself in a situation with her team where asking the right powerful questions would have helped her team to take its discussion to the next level. In that situation, however, Essi did not have the right skillset to be able to fully help her team. Now, Essi sees the concrete benefits of the skills learnt in the Systemic Business Coach® training – they have a myriad of usages in different work situations.
“I came across a concrete situation where I found that asking the right kind of coaching questions help to clarify the situation.”
According to Essi, the practical coaching exercises were important and useful. She perceived them as the most valued parts of the training when the theoretical basis was first solidified.
Excellent trainers furthered learning
Essi praises the trainers for their professionalism and training quality. Professor David Clutterbuck, a pioneer in the field of coaching, brought an international perspective into the training.
“David’s training day was very impressive. His strong experience shone brightly, and he was a truly charismatic performer.”
Essi was also very pleased with trainer Vesa Ristikangas. She says it was the personal feedback she received from Vesa that helped her develop herself.
Improved understanding about coaching
Through participating in the training, Essi gained an even broader understanding of coaching.
“Asking coaching questions and sparring others in different everyday situations are skills that I cherish and utilize in my life.”
Essi believes that her deepened understanding of coaching will help her to put coaching-based leadership a reality at her everyday work. Her goal is to promote business coaching and coaching-based leadership not only in her team but also as a unifying framework to be utilized wider in her organization.
“Systemic Business Coach® training was great. The training was well constructed and I had a very positive experience!”