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Blog posts from the writer: David Clutterbuck

How to have gravitas as a team coach

How to have gravitas as a team coach

Gravitas is one of the Ancient Greek virtues, a combination of “dignity, impressiveness, seriousness, influence, weight and presence” in the words of Caroline Goyder, a specialist voice coach and scholar on the topic. How to develop gravitas as a team coach?

Is your organisation ready for internally sourced team coaching?

Is your organisation ready for internally sourced team coaching?

Teams are the cellular structures that make the corporate body work. Without teams, it would be next to impossible to organise large, complex tasks. Yet teams rarely perform as well as they might.


VLOG: Responsibility back to the team

If there are issues in the team, what should the team coach do? Professor David Clutterbuck gives his tips.


VLOG: Mentors core competencies | David Clutterbuck

Are you aware of the core competencies of a mentor? Professor David Clutterbuck gives his insights on the topic.


VLOG: How to maximize unused potential in management team?

Professor David Clutterbuck discusses with our trainer Anna Lönnroth how to maximize the potential within the management team. Find out what are prof. Clutterbuck's views management team development. Contact us to get an offer for management team development processes.


VLOG: Does the management team need to learn constantly?

Professor David Clutterbuck discusses with our trainer Anna Lönnroth whether the management team needs to learn constantly. Find out how Clutterbuck questions the management teams he coaches into proving to them that learning is important throughout ones career, and especially the higher up the organizational ladder one gets. Contact us to get an offer for management team development processes.


High performance management team 5 core traits

Professor David Clutterbuck discusses with our trainer Anna Lönnroth his insights on the factors of a high performance management team, a true stellar management team. Do you know what they are? David uses his top team performance model called PERILL. Find out what it stands for! Contact us to get an offer for management team development processes.


VLOG: Finding a solution myth | David Clutterbuck

As a coach do you often feel as if you need to reach a solution within the coaching session? Professor David Clutterbuck debunks that myth in this short video. Find out why!

Measuring and evaluation of coaching

Measuring and evaluation of coaching

In the context of development relationships, there are three perspectives or levels at which it is helpful to establish the habit of measurement.


VLOG: Boosting Coaching-culture, prof. David Clutterbuck

Listen to professor Clutterbuck's thoughts on how coaching-skills are interrelated to team development and corporate culture-development.

The role of wisdom in the coach/mentor -AI partnership

The role of wisdom in the coach/mentor -AI partnership

In all the major models of human maturity, two qualities recur constantly: wisdom and connectedness. Wisdom, as exemplified by the original mentor, Athene, relates to the process of reflection upon and learning from experience. The scope of wisdom is therefore associated with and to some extent limited by the range of experiences, to which a person is exposed, either directly or vicariously, intendedly or unintendedly.


VLOG: What benefits coaching skills bring you as a HR-professional? David Clutterbuck

Coaching-guru and pioneer David Clutterbuck tells Anna Lönnroth his thoughts about why should HR-professionals become professional coaches.


Helping your coachee develop resilience

In challenging working environments, resilience is increasingly an essential competence. People, who are resilient, are better able to cope with unexpected change, with setbacks and disappointments, with high stress environments and with periods of excessive workload.

Five modes of questioning

Five modes of questioning

Asking questions is something we do all the time. It’s essential to how we learn, how we keep safe, how we collaborate with other people, how we make decisions, and so on… It’s a core skill of being human, yet few people stop to think about how they ask questions or whether they could be better at doing so.

The core traits of truly effective coaches, mentors and leaders

The core traits of truly effective coaches, mentors and leaders

A vast amount has been written about the competencies of coaches and mentors, and even more about the qualities of great leaders. Much of this is contradictory and dependent on circumstance or context.

Power distribution and its impact on team performance

Power distribution and its impact on team performance

The impact of power differentials on how teams and groups work is not as straightforward as it might seem. Having a mix of powerful and less powerful people in a team, or having a team composed entirely of powerful people can both have a negative impact on performance (Angus et al, 2016).

Eight coaching myths and misconceptions

Eight coaching myths and misconceptions

Since I first got ensnared by the world of coaching and mentoring, part of my learning has been to focus less on what is assumed and taken for granted and more on the question “What do we have evidence for and how valid is that evidence?”

Yet more support for Systemic Talent Management

Yet more support for Systemic Talent Management

Systemic Talent Management views talent management, performance management and succession planning as complex, adaptive systems -- unlike traditional HR approaches, which broadly treat these activities as if they were simple, linear systems.

Gaining and keeping commitment from the top to your coaching and mentoring strategy

Gaining and keeping commitment from the top to your coaching and mentoring strategy

It’s evident that a coaching and mentoring strategy – especially if the aim is to create a coaching and mentoring culture – requires the sustained support and energy of an organization’s leaders.

When not to coach a team?

When not to coach a team?

Just as happened with coaching individuals, as team coaching becomes more mainstream, the assumption emerges that it is some kind of cure-all for team problems. Of course it’s not, but team coaches increasingly bring to supervision issues relating to how they manage client team and sponsor expectations about what can and can’t be delivered.

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