BoMentis Ltd turns 20 years this year. During the past two decades, the company has grown into a significant management consulting company. We have learned to develop our own practices through encounters with thousands of management teams, leaders and organizations.
First decade: Making coaching-based leadership real (1999-2009)
BoMentis history dates back to the year 1999. Founders Marjo-Riitta Ristikangas and Vesa Ristikangas began to develop a new training business to Finland that was based on training leaders, management teams and other teams. During the first decade coaching-based leadership was practiced in hundreds of Finnish organisations. Officially, coaching landed to Finland in the mid-2000s, and Marjo-Riitta and Vesa played an active role in building the professional coaching industry to the country. After the focus on coaching, the focus twister towards utilizing coaching in the leadership roles.
During that time, books titled Asiantuntijasta esimies (Alma Talent, 5th ed, 2016) and Valmentava johtajuus (Alma Talent, 7th ed, 2019) were published.
Second decade: The rise of systemic coaching (2010-2019)
Coaching-based leadership
In the year 2010 we opened an office in Espoo and at the same time BoMentis expanded. The work within the organizations stayed the same as before. Throughout the 2010s, BoMentis focused on building coaching-based leadership cultures to a diverse group of organizations. The main focus was on management teams and team dynamics in general.
The team’s role in the success of BoMentis is crucial. Our executive coaches have been a significant part in developing a better working life culture together with our customers. Together we have managed to enhance the succession of coaching-based leadership in organizations’ strategic planning.
During this journey, our executive coaches have written nine books, e.g. Stellar Management Teams (Routledge, 2018) and coaching-based leadership assessments, e.g. Coaching Leadership Pulse® and created coaching-models, such as the Pillar Model®.
Coaching skills internally
In creating cultural change, we realized that the best way to change culture is from within the organization. This is why Marjo-Riitta had the idea that we could share our knowledge and start training internal professional coaches. This is when Coaching House Finland Ltd. was created. Coaching House has trained professional coaches to Finland since 2012.
Coaching House’s Systemic Business Coach® training has provided HR leadership with coaching skills for soon 10 years. The core ideas behind the training, which aims towards the participant applying for an ICF sertification, is systemic thinking and its application within the coaching context. We work in collaboration with Helsingin yliopisto HY+ in training coaching-based leadership and systemic coaching.
Stronger than before
In 2019 we have decided that we want to crystallize our services and strengthen our brand. This is why from now on we operate under one name, BoMentis Coaching House Ltd. Welcome to our renewed website!
Third decade: BoMentis Coaching House will exceed your expectations (2019)
During the third decade, our company wants to continue the work that we are doing together with our amazing clients. For us, our clients are our best friends and we want to make coaching-based leadership a reality. This is made possible through genuine cooperation.
Training for organizations and coach training formulate a holistic and effective service-package. This change technically means that the Coaching House’s coach trainings are now part of BoMentis’s services.
Gratitude is real!
It is wonderful to be part of facilitating meaningful work. When our executive coach sees the individuals and teams exceeding themselves, we feel happy and grateful.
We also want to extend a warm thank you to all of our clients for the past two decades. We want you to know that in the future we are going to be even stronger and more efficient. Please go ahead and visit our new, fresh website at:
BoMentis in latin “good minds” guide us in the future to get individuals and teams to exceed themselves. You are capable of more than you know!
On behalf of the BoMentis-team,
Marjo-Riitta Ristikangas, CEO, Co-Founder & Executive Coach & Vesa Ristikangas, Co-Founder & Executive Coach
Management Team – Leadership Coaching
Case Elisa Eesti Ltd
Kaija Teemagi; HR manager, and member of the board from Elisa Eesti elaborated how the company wanted to change their leadership culture into more of a coaching leadership style. To ensure the change throughout the organization, the first step was to train Elisa Eesti’s management team.
All the testimonials