Towards a Stellar Management Team
Regardless of the current state of the management team (poorly functioning, satisfactory, good, or high performance), development is always possible. It is a process that involves the whole group.
Regardless of the current state of the management team (poorly functioning, satisfactory, good, or high performance), development is always possible. It is a process that involves the whole group.
As a top management team aims for the stars, it might end up landing on the moon, if the core of its teamwork is not good enough.
Builder of Success, Leadership Coach and Management Team Developer Vesa Ristikangas introduces his newest book "Stellar Management Teams" (Routledge, 2018).
Management teams face the same problems as all teams around the world: common goals and joint decisions are lacking, interaction is of low quality and the team members do not feel valued. These issues need to be solved, if the team wants to be successful.
When was the last time you have exposed your vulnerability to your management team? When was the last time, that you admitted that something was difficult or emotionally straining for you?