Sopie Mannerheimin koulun tuki ry
Vuonna 2013 perustetun yhdistyksen tarkoituksena on Sophie Mannerheimin koulun henkilöstön täydennyskoulutuksen, pedagogisen ja yhteisöllisen kehittymisen, työnohjauksen, opintomatkojen ja työhyvinvoinnin edistäminen sekä taloudellinen tukeminen. Yhdistys edistää ja tukee taloudellisesti Sophie Mannerheimin koulun taito- ja taideaineiden opetusta sekä oppilaiden opintokäyntejä. Yhdistys edistää ja tukee taloudellisesti valtakunnallista sairaalaopetuksen kehittämis- ja tutkimustoimintaa sekä sairaudesta aiheutuvan syrjäytymisen ennaltaehkäisyä.
OKIA – Our Kids in Africa
OKIA aims to strengthen and protect Children’s Right and wellbeing in the voluntourism and orphanage industry. OKIA works in two ways, women empowerment and educational and family support.
Women Empowerment
The Women’s Empowerment Project is created to help women living in vulnerable situations. OKIA aims to create financial independency among women to enable them to care for their own children. By providing a social network for women through women empowerment groups the women gain strength, ideas and support from each other. Business-managing and financial classes are also taught in group meetings.
Educational & Family Support
Most of the children in Tanzanian orphanages are there because of poverty, not orphan hood. The vast majority of children called “orphans” have a surviving family or extended member who would care for them if they only had the means to do so. Strengthening families is the best way to meet the needs of orphans and other vulnerable children. Children needs love, a sense of belonging, the experience of family, and connection to community in order to thrive into adulthood.